Over the weekend, we released a working version of our game. This version is fairly minimal with a short tutorial level and a single city level. You can download the game here.

Menu Screen

New features

Most of the recent work on the game involved implementing missing features and fixing bugs. One of the more important missing features was an end level screen. Previously, the level would continue forever until the player exited to the main menu (or alternatively the game altogether, presumably out of frustration). Now, the level can end! Currently, the main level (there is only one so far) technically has an infinite loop but the player may end at any time. After doing so, the amount of deliveries made and money earned is reported.

Tutorial End Screen


We added Unity analytics to track game information such as downloads, daily average users, etc. as well as in-game statistics like deliveries completed. Over the last three days, we’ve had 95 deliveries completed! Although who knows if that’s only us. On the other hand, we had someone outside the class leave a review on a game on itch. Thanks to that one person!

In the Works

Some of the final features that we are trying to get working before the convention day include a working store (currently static) as well as upgrades that the player can actually buy. In addition, we are working on a second large map, so stay tuned for progress on that!